Trading SHINY METANG for SHINY Sewaddle =CLOSED=

Trading Name: Carazar

Offer: SHINY Metang/Any Delta (Not shinys)

Request: Shiny Sewaddle or Swadloon or Leavanny

Further info:
I would greatly appreciate an offer. Delta execptions:

Delta Bisharp, Any Starter, Gallade/Gardevoir,

It would be awesome if someone could get this for me.

Do you have Delta Noibat/Noivern shiny?

I could offer shiny clawitzer

I have a delta bisharp(not shiny)

Yeah that sounds good. can you go on the discord server?

Um… What? We had a deal already dude

I thought you wanted shiny sliggo/shelgon/tyrunt

We’re doing both for the swadloon no?

oh alright, sorry i misunderstood

Yeah you had me scared for a sec

Crazy ima have to decline. sorry

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uhh ok

shiny metang is so nicely coloured :smiley:

Trade complete

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