Trading away my Giratina

Trading Name: CailieAnn

Offer: Giratina

Request: Any spare shiny pokemon that you don’t need

Further info: Just caught my Giratina in the game, let me know if you have any unwanted shinies, I am jus collecting abit, could trade you this legendary.

Is your Giratina shiny? It’ll be tough to get someone to trade a shiny for it if not, since normal legends aren’t really valued as much as a shiny.

It’s not shiny, just a normal one

yeah, i’m not saying it’s impossible, but legends on their own aren’t worth a ton (besides other legends). People on discord have sometimes given away shinies, but usually people aren’t throwing away shinies for anything that isn’t as valuable to them

Boi, you wrong. @Cailie, I got a shiny, want it for the tina? I’ve needed one fr a while now.

Hi! Yes sure! Sounds great. When can you trade? Give me a time and the time zone as well. Thank you so much. I can trade anytime

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Uhhhh, in about 15mins. I’m on IST

I’m ready to trade now @Cailie. Lmk when you’re online

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I am in now :+1:t2:

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