oh ok
try again
got it? and thanks for the shed :)) tis a v cool mon
yay i got the scizor
noice! enjoy :))
your welcome
Hold up the game crashed and the scizor reverted to scyther
ill just go to the witchdoctor and see if that works
huh? is it not allowed to evolve or soemthing OuO
i dunno whats happening
it evolves and then the game crashes
i have an idea, ill trade you the sycther and then you evolve and then trade it back
sure, lemme finish this battle first and ill lyk when im ready
k im ready now. lol nvm it hatched
lmk when ur ready too
im ready to trade rn, just trade me the shiny shed back
ah i already took the shed out of my party. ill give u it back if this dont work out tho
ill wait you can put it back in your party