Touch trade ( 3 shinies as offer)

is this a fair offer or am i giving soo much or less

Trading Name: eldraco

Offer: 3 shinies maybe , 1 legend = 1 heart scale … 5 legend= 1 iv stone… all legend =wht some shinies maybe .

Request: need every legends( touch trade)

Further info:so that i can the shiny charm and shiny hunt quickly ( i promise i will give it back)… iknow this is big but u can give atleast something u have ( AGAIN I PROMISE I WILL GIVE THEM BACK)

I could butI do not have all the legends…only giratina and mew

i would take that but i have giratna and mew already

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Hey, im up for this, lets find a time we can do this!

Cool . U need the shinies right?..
I want to hunt now

Yeah, maybe some unevolved ones tho

Yess it will be regular okay non deltas


Do u have any shinies at the moment

3 shinies are a lot imo

I know I know . I am giving 3 shinies bczz no one would believe me. and i dont have shinies at the moment @Aki

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will u take a ,shiny larvitar,nidoran and (will u take only two)
currently shiny hunting larvitar and rioulu (for me)

Sure two is great!

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