Title Screen

I think I remember this being a post on reddit, but I don’t recall if it ever got solved.

I don’t mind the Heatran title screen, but is there a way to change it temporarily to an older one until the new update comes out? I am aware that it changes with the progression of the story, but I didn’t know if by searching through the files, I could figure out how to change it back to Mew or something.

If not, that’s cool too! Just curious!

You should be able to change it by going into the graphics folder (I think there should be a subfolder in there called “titles”) and switching the file names of the Mew and Heatran images.

Only the grafics, the sound is still Heatran (sadly)

I guess you would have to change the code that loads the title to do it

(Don´t get me wrong the changing titles are a great feature, but beeing able to choose an older one would be great as well)

For the sound, you’d need to switch Mew’s and Heatran’s cries in the SE section of the Audio folder too. I think that should work.

Just because I’m not late by several months or anything… I was trying to find this myself actually. I found that if you open the graphics folder, and then go into titles, there will be about 10 notepad files called “reached#”, with a corresponding number to the title screen. If you delete all of the notepad files, your screen will go to mew. Removing all but number 1, will make your title screen celebi… and so on. I’m pretty sure that every time the game reaches a certain checkpoint it adds one of these files, which the game the registers, and switched to the next title screen. So far this has worked every time for me, so good luck

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Thank you very much!