Time to try tackling this problem for the 3rd time

Ohhh, I though the game opened. Send me a screenshot of your file.

here you are

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Have you tried absolutely SPAMMING the icon?

Hello Gia. You’re smarter soooo, help us out will ya lmao

I mean, I’ll try.

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Welp as a new user I can only post so much within 24 hours so that blows, I made a second account just a heads up that I could only reply so much


Hmm, I’m not sure what can be done. My first thought was that ur missing files, which you’re not. My second thought was to run the game as administrator which from what I just read you already did. Sorry.

After researching the engine that insurgence uses is not supported YET in windows 11.

Okay so on my new account I cant post for 24 hours because new account, as for my specs I found out how to check which version of windows I have, also its 1am for me so imma crash, check bag when I wake up

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Well, I can’t help you much. But I wanna know, do other rpgmaker games work?

Try downloading some other pokemon fangame like pokemon solar light lunar dark or smth. If it works, it’s a problem with the game itself, if it doesn’t, well, your pc is screwed lmao