The Insurgence Randomizer Playthrough

it kos candle with bulldoze

sky snake finishes it off

our team

i had got a fossil at some point so i decided to revive it

oooppps i do not have enough mony for the fossil maniac

sell stuff
in randomizer you should not be broke

i mean if ur doing nuzlocke rules u shouldnt get more encounters after failing one

i spent alll my money on great balls since i have failed legendary/mythical pokemon countless times

omg by the way i saw rays nature and it is adament

omg my fossil was a pheniox

omg my vipik dump encounter is a deoxys


why does it know teleport


so my real encounter is a imposter… the deoxys was fake(definatly)

…did u not check its level up movepool

who cares… either it will know roar, explosion or teleport or i will run away from it… eiher way i was nt getting that deoxys

Oh impostor of the vent, what is your wisdom?

You know you’re in electrical alone right?

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