
Trading Name: Draisen2

Offer: Heart Scale

Request: Timid Synchronizer

Further info: Looking for a Timid Synch if anyone has a spare kicking around. Haven’t had the best of luck with the Friend Safari or wild encounters, haha

How about impish or mild?

Thanks, but just the ones requested are what I’m looking for. I appreciate the reply, though!

If you have a Thundurus and Tornadus, @Boggaspotatoe is asking to borrow them. They’re trading a timid synchroniser.

I already made a deal with @Aj2005 but i guess i could trade one for a heart scale

after all, i can just get more of them lol

I will do that. And @Aj2005, I will give it to you as soon as possible. I only can trade on the weekends so…

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So @Boggaspotatoe, would you still trade or do I ask elsewhere?

eh why not

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hold on i need to boot ma pc. btw my trade name is THeboiboi
oh and also my internet is pretty trash so bear with me lol

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Thanks a ton, really appreciate it!

Ready when you are, trade name is Draisen2

Cool, just a sec

Alrighty, got it

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Sending req

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Awesome, thanks for the help!

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Got it thanks for the heart scale

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