Super Smol Problem. (I more)

Yeah, like the mushrooms, right? I don’t think there is a guy for that, at least that i know of

yes and the mulch. i got 5 of those from that mart worker…

Damn, its not going easy on you rn

yep. sometimes it can be so unfair.

This is your 11th attempt, it seems like every to me

yes. 5 zap plates, used to increase electric type moves or change arceus’s type. i need 5 of those.

I hate my luck

Idk what to say

Idk. I just want any pokeball at this point. could be regular pokeballs for all i care.

Or at least a money item, or fossils those are god tier in randomizers

YES FINALLY. i got red orbs which primal evolve groudon but sell for alot. 250000 total for 5 should i keep?

Holy shit thats excellent


Def keep 1 just in case you get a Groudon somehow

ok so total 200000

now i wont soft reset for whatever starter i get.

That’s some dough right there

Heck yeah. Srikar is looking down from above!

I guess so. All that’s left is starter rng

honestly once i get to helios city and get timer balls all i need to do is go to low level places to farm legendaries throwing regular balls to stall time then boom. confirmed easy legendary.