Suggestion: Just for fun -Mega Ditto-

Mega Stone : Ditte

Mega Stats: HP: 148 Attack: 48 Defense: 48 Sp.Atk: 48 Sp.Def: 48 Speed: 48

Ability: – Mega-Transformer -> Change the move Transform into Mega-Transform

Hidden Ability: (obtained by having Ditto with Imposter) – Search-Transformer -> Change the move Transform into Search-Transform

Mega-Transform: If the target opponent can mega evolve, although it doesn’t hold any Mega Stone, Ditto still transform into the mega version of it. If there are multiple Mega forme, select one randomly. Increased priority +3. Example, when fighting Harmony’s Gardevoir, Mega Ditto will transform into Mega Gardevoir.

Search-Transform: Transform into any Pokemon in the opposing team which hold a corresponding Mega Stone. If such a Pokemon is not found, regular Transform is done with increased priority +3. Example, when fighting Harmony’s Cinccino, Mega Ditto will transform into Mega Miltank.

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