Stat drop/entry hazard overlay

Hi Guys,

firstly I love the battle sim it’s an awesome way of playing with our favourite delta’s etc from Insurgence and is a fun alternative to showdown. I imagine you’re all putting a hell of a lot of time into it so firstly I wanna say thanks!

Requests for the full version from me would be the stat drop overlay that you have on showdown and also the presence of entry hazards on the screen when laid down. I am so used to showdown and keep forgetting rocks or whatever are up (I know this is my idiocy but it would be cool if that could be added!).

Did you take the decision to not include team preview in ranked battles?

thanks again for the sim

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Yes that would be nice, so people don’t switch in Talonflames into rocks and take 50%.

(Like I just did. Idiot)

yes indeed

The entry hazards do show, I just don’t have the graphics for it at the moment :innocent: