SPRITES tentacool (tentacruel maybe following) + extra geodude Sprite lol

First of all sorry for typo’s
Here are my tentacool versions not really pinned the types down yet.

Next following in reply

Thx for watching

Here’s the geodude funsy

This looks like a fusion of geodude and tentacruel. The wings look copied from anoter mon too. Gas is from gastly? Basically, its not a delta.

oh sorry I didn’t really know that that didn’t qualify as a delta my excuses

Still, it looks nice haha. Just saying it wouldn’t make it into the holon dex if you were aiming for that.
Also we do require the full evolution line to make it in, so theres that too.

was gonna make em if there was enough interest trying to make a real delta absol now Fairy/Dragon type if thats even possible