Spoiler - Rotom-Fax

I noticed that in the Insurgence Graphic folders, there is a new form of Rotom. Seems like a fax, so it’s probably named Rotom-Fax.

Is there a way to get that new form or will it be only available in next update?

It’s an old made sprite made for the game, not sure if it is going to be used or not :stuck_out_tongue:

Suze announced it about a year ago (maybe more) and then it was never mentioned again, so the idea might have been dropped. I would have expected it to be included in the workshop with all the other items to change Rotom’s forme, but nope, so I doubt we’ll see it.

It was going to be Electric-Fairy btw, if you’re curious.

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Yeah it’s pretty much been dropped at this point, unfortunately.

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Well, too bad. Would have been fun!

What? NOOO! Why would it be dropped? Difficulties in adding a fax machine that causes the form switch?

I think it was a lack of interest in the design itself iirc.

It’s funny to read that considering the post on twitter about it. I’ll still cry about it, though.

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Where is the workshop in the game?