Sonata Gym Stats Error?

Hi. I was battling Sonata Gym Leader in Hard Mode.

I was using a lv. 55 Excadrill with full 31 IVs for speed, jolly nature, with sand rush ability.

I set up sandstorm and was expecting Excadrill to outspeed all pokemons, but the Gardevoir went first.

Gardevoir’s base speed stat is 80, and it only had a choice scarf with 1.5x multipler. (Gardevoir is also Lv. 55)
The Excadrill’s base speed stat is 88, and it had a 2x multiplier with sandstorm. (Excadrill had max IVs and jolly nature)

Is this is a possible error in the engine? Do gym leader pokemons have boosted stats? Did I miss something? Would appreciate any help.

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In this situation it sounds like Gardevoir Traced Sand Rush

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What were the EVs on Excadrill? Garde is Max Speed, Timid, it can outspeed if Excadrill doesn’t have enough investment. Also, yeah, Garde could have traced.

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Yea I think that was it. That gardevoir had trace. Thank you!

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Oh, I thought of that too so I max EV trained the Excadrill.

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