So uhh (Flex your shinies!)

guys remember rocket said not to let chats get off topic

so like if y’all wanna talk abt this go to dms or discord

Not what I meant. But Geodude? Also, Gyarados has a better Shiny. Or I have three Shiny Mewtwos.

Imo gyarados’s shiny is overrated and kinda bad

Well, agree to disagree. But my general point still stands; there are better options. Also this isn’t off topic because referring to my sheer number of spares is technically flexing.


Great collection but I have a question.
Why do you have 38 shinies from the hydreigon line?
Also damn those legends are dope

Yes, bask in the glory of the magnificent deino army

also tyty, took me a while to get em all lmao

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one of thems mine :blush:


u soundlike a friend i had in chiicago

dang that D. Gallade must’ve been hard to get…

Same. I was pretty hurt even though I had nothing to do with it. There wasn’t any reason for him to lie, the only reason I suspected Jojo st first was because her just got banned, which was later disproven. Also, should I hunt Axew? I don’t have Radio Tower anymore and no charm.

Um… Jojo’s a guy. As for Axew, do you mean normal or Delta?

Wonder who would win; my Ralts army or your Deino army. I have an advantage, both in Type advantage since I’m part Fairy and sheer numbers, but mine are all level one.

I think he meant “he” instead of “her”

Normal, also, auto correct.

yeah i hate auto correct

damn, how many ralts u got lmao

2 boxes

Actually I just checked, and I have 71 Ralts’. So almost two and a half boxes.

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