if i squint it’s dark green
yeah, lime
It’s hard to argue with his assessment
Also, another gorgeous shiny Suicune , it’s cool
How is this not good?
It’s fine
Nice. Primal looks cooler though
i don’t hate it, just not amazing in my opinion
i don’t like the primal tbh
Yeah I can’t argue with that.
Sorry gotta go now. See ya.
honestly the yellow stuff looks like lava, they should’ve made it water for kyogre
I dunno, neon blue doesn’t look nearly as good.
I synchonised myself on some German YouTuber who were giving away competitive shines on the wonder trades (Heracross, Landorus-T, one of my Tapu Lele), I had few accidental shines on egg or the portals (Skarmory for eggs, Quagsire, Audio and more for portals), the chansey was when farming Exp, I went for few events (Naganadel, Zygard and Lunala) and I helped people who were generating Pokémon on a french forum. I did twice, that person needed advices on a team and thanks to my help, they went over 1600 on the ladder on quite a lot of teams in both Uber and OU (back when Gen 7 was the main OU). That perso also was giving free competitive for fun. I took advantage for few.
Namely: Venusaur, Raichu, Gengar (for Slodge Wave), Gallade, Tangrowth, Gardevoir, Groudon, Lucario, Gastrodon and Scizor. I regret VERY MUCH not to have specified that I wanted a female Gardevoir. RIP.
Also forgot my other Tapu, namely my two Tapu Lele (one Modest and one Timid) and my Tapu Koko. I don’t remember if I have a shiny Tape Bulu.
That Arceus date back from ORAS. One day, I decided to drop my shiny TTar on the GTS and asked for an Arceus just for fun.
Turns out it worked.
The Metagros was from a friend.
Do you want me to give you a female Shiny Gardevoir? I have two whole boxes full because my friend (the one lucky in Wonder Trades) wanted a particular Shiny Ralts. Took me forever to get it right.
damn, crazy kid
no sbeve tried to masuda without getting masuda mon
shhh we won’t speak of that
we kinda just did