So uhh (Flex your shinies!)

whos gonna tell him

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not me lol, he can take a look at that mess of a thread if he likes

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Both Piazzami and Fire DMed me on Discord about the thread. It was originally about music preferences. What the heck happened?!

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thx for my shiny yveltal name if i get one

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interrogating envious, i am not at fault for sure and don’t need to apologize


I’m reading that chat right now. Basically everyone who so much as looked at it should apologize. I’m sorry I wasn’t on to step in and try to mediate the situation.

guys remember rocket said not to let chats get off topic

so like if y’all wanna talk abt this go to dms or discord

Not what I meant. But Geodude? Also, Gyarados has a better Shiny. Or I have three Shiny Mewtwos.

Imo gyarados’s shiny is overrated and kinda bad

Well, agree to disagree. But my general point still stands; there are better options. Also this isn’t off topic because referring to my sheer number of spares is technically flexing.


Great collection but I have a question.
Why do you have 38 shinies from the hydreigon line?
Also damn those legends are dope

Yes, bask in the glory of the magnificent deino army

also tyty, took me a while to get em all lmao

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one of thems mine :blush:


u soundlike a friend i had in chiicago

dang that D. Gallade must’ve been hard to get…

Same. I was pretty hurt even though I had nothing to do with it. There wasn’t any reason for him to lie, the only reason I suspected Jojo st first was because her just got banned, which was later disproven. Also, should I hunt Axew? I don’t have Radio Tower anymore and no charm.