Snivy evolution line doesn't show up?

When I put any member of the snivy line at the front of my party, the pkmn doesn’t appear behind me in the overworld. I tried evolving my servine to a serperior, and even checked the game folder to see if I had the sprites, which I did.

The game acknowledges that my serperior is at the front of my party, so I think this has something to do with the game code. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Does pressing P help in any way? That’s as far as I know a solution sometimes. Sadly I can’t help more than that

Sadly pressing p did not work. Thanks for trying anyways!

try reinstalling/reextracting the game. the files are showing up on my game so it seems to be a isolated issue.

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I tried redownloading but it still doesn’t show up, so I’m just going to assume it’s an issue with my save file. Thanks anyways.