Single Pokémon Boss Battles

So I was just replaying my Ultra Sun game and I was at the battle against Ultra Necrozma when I realized that this game doesn’t actually have any True Boss Pokémon. By that I don’t mean Pokémon where they are just really strong like Primal Arceus/Giratina or just uncatchable like when you battle just the legendaries used by the Cults. I mean a really hard, uncatchable Boss-mon that can just as easily take out an entire team on their own, and can’t simply be caught with a really good Pokéball just to skip all the trouble (Master Ball being the biggest offender). For example, back in Black 2 and White 2, we couldn’t catch White/Black Kyurem in their fused form, and it instead was a battle to defeat a really strong Pokémon. We got the same thing with Dusk Mane/Dawn Wing Necrozma and, quite more infamously, Ultra Necrozma, who was the best example currently in existence due to the level of difficulty you had to deal with if you didn’t go in prepared. We could have gotten this with Original Kyurem, but instead we get what was in my opinion a cop out where we instead face Zygarde Complete in a battle to catch it, where we just get its 50% forme, despite catching it in its Complete Forme. And don’t get me started on Primal Arceus being catchable with a Poké Ball despite the cutscene before the battle showing that a Master Ball wouldn’t work on it (but what do you know, our Master Ball works). I’m not saying that the fights weren’t fun, far from it. I enjoyed finally capturing Zygarde, Primal Giratina, and even Primal Arceus in a Friend Ball of all things. It’s only because I always had fun playing games where there would be this 1 really difficult enemy instead of just throwing out a swarm of sort-of hard opponents (I’m not saying enemies like Nyx and Reukra weren’t hard, Nyx actually made me have to think about what would and wouldn’t work against her team, but compared to enemies like Extreme Bahamut, Hard-Mode Tabuu, Elizabeth and especially Demi-Fiend(Who counts as a single boss because when you give a boss the ability to endlessly summon mooks that are practically bosses on their own, all the while that 1 summoner actually can deal even more damage than the others combined and has an absolute insta-kill attack that forces you to not nullify his attacks, you definitely count), then you can’t really compare the awe-factor in the fact that your entire party either got their asses kicked by 1 enemy or had to go all out to take down just 1 enemy), I just wish there were more Single Boss Battles in the game, where we would be faced with a challenge that due to its strength, requires you to actually figure out its weaknesses instead of just hitting it really hard to move on to the next Pokémon. I especially thought that was needed for the Original Kyurem plotline.

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I almost forgot to mention the fact that there is technically a boss battle in the mid-game. When Jaern gets Rayquaza, he battles you while only using it, and immediately Mega Evolves it into the same outrageously OP Pokémon that’s so ridiculous that it was BANNED FROM UBERS. Yes, you have to face off against the very Dragon that is the reason Anything Goes even exists in the first place. Not only that, but on hard mode, it knows V-CREATE. However, the reason this doesn’t count as a true boss battle, but instead as a regular non-catchable legendary is because it doesn’t Mega Evolve or even have Dragon Ascent on Easy mode, meaning it has its standard legendary stats. Not only that, but on Medium, it only knows Dragon Ascent and Dragon Dance. This is basically just a difficult battle on Easy and Medium, only reaching True Boss Battle difficulty on Hard Mode.

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I wholeheartedly agree! Ideas are stuff like…I don’t know, giving Easy Rayquaza the Mega Evolution, Medium Rayquaza getting Roost and Extreme Speed…ACTUALLY FIXING THE OMNITYPE BUG WITH GIRATINA…actually making the cutscene after you beat Orion include a fight with Taen, who would use a level 29 Kyurem…making it so that after we beat Audrey for the second time, we actually have to fight the supposedly coming ‘God Squid’, which would know Origin Pulse, Recover, Sludge Wave, and Cosmic Power, along with having a Black Sludge or Leftovers…okay that’s all my ideas.

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