gardevoir -93 (clear body) (focus sash) -sheer cold -ice beam -thunderbolt -zap cannon
garchomp -100 (sandveil) (leftovers) -dragonify -dragon rush -dragon pulse -flamethrower
sceptile -95 (overgrow) (kings rock) -focus blast -x scizzor -leaf storm -grass pledge
d.charizard -100 (spirit call) (mega stone) -outrage -embargo -lunar cannon -confuse
d.scyther -105 (hustle) (life orb) -drain punch -close combat -blizzard -shadow claw
giratina -92 (pressure) (life orb) -will-o-wisp -shadow sneak -thunderbolt -dark matterwhat what items could i swap?
if u beat e4 then i don’t see why , if u haven’t bet e4 this team is thrash
i have not beat elite 4
there is an ice type e4 and u have 3 dragons and 1 grass in ur team , also ur d char and gretina are basically same pokemon
im thinking of swapping out giratina or garchomp for d typhlosion
This was my team , use it for reference
note : my team was on 84-87 level , only blaziken and garchomp were 91 & 90 respectvely
ok thanks