Shinys for poke ev max

cow you say then?

I accept your deal :slight_smile:

Now, please tell me the six Pokemon you want trained. Or, I could choose some good ones for you

weezing modesto ev max / atk esp and HP dragonite adamant ev max / atk and speed krookodile adamant ev max / atk and speed goodra quiet ev max / atk esp and Hp pangoro adamant ev max / atk and speed hawlucha adamant ev max / atk and speed

Alright. Do you require perfect IVs along with the nature or just EV trained?

iv perfect if possible and nature and ev plus

Hm… Not sure I can do six with perfect IVs. How about two of them will have perfect IVs?

And all will have nature and EVs

ok no problem

Which two do you want with perfect IVs?

dragonite and pangoro


Before I get to work, please post screenshots of the three shinies.

ok ok wait :smiley:

as pokemon go?

has this trade been completed already? just wondering cause seemed to just go quiet

I canceled the deal I have 3 shinys available and 6 stones iv if interested friend

what you looking for for magneton? interested in him

trained pokemon

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