Shinylockes are...Soulcrushing esp .when lost

is this like all deltas or not?

So far it’s all delta but once I get access to fs I’ll have non delta Mons. I’ll also post more often since fs has wayyy better odds


Currently 1128 encounters in. Trade Mons are slow


i was watching aDrive and damian had a shiny squirtle, did that happen to you?

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aDrive played the game in an earlier version(I forget) so he had to start a the battle with damian for an encounter. In one of the patches, the starter was changed so that it immediately follows you, moving the soft reset point back. So I didn’t need to battle Damian. I ended up battling him a few times cuz I spammed enter too much but none of his d.squirtles were shiny


Just got this (future) beast. Time to go to suntouched city

It took 1288 encounters, the pic’s blurry. Serious is not a good nature, but it’s better than quiet sooo


Debating whether or not to hunt d.aipom since both of its types are already in my party. Should I hunt it or not?


I mean, u should hunt it just becauss wynaut

I don’t rly see a point tbh. Technician is a hidden ability, which I can’t get access to until post game.

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Something like hustle d.scyther would be more useful imo
Actually, all I need it for is false swipe. I can get that from karrablast’s line which is in slot 1 fs nvm

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I see a point. It has an incredible defensive type, being Ghost/Normal which is weak to only Dark iirc

Hmmm true. But other than that it’s got nothing

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how many shinies do u have ryt now


Iirc they have two

Besides, now all I need is a steel type to complete the fsd core. Escavelier can do that

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Tho escavelier is super slow. Like, rly slow

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Really Slow

Breloom is a good false swiper which is in Friend Safaries iirc