Shiny Pokemon Hub

yea and no person is what you described sooo yea

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but it would be nice to be a casual player to have a shiny on thier team

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then hunt for a shiny, if you want one so bad. You can use sr method for delta shinies

I’m sorry if I come off rude, but don’t expect others to give you something that they may have worked for

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hey i have a axew that knows false swipe

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i know that is some how sacred

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no, not really, false swipe is a tm that a ton of mons can learn, even if it was exclusive, haxorous isnt even that good of a false swiper, because it doesn’t have any status moves it can use

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i am both confused and sad because i did not know all of that and know that i know that i cant trade it for anything :frowning_face:

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what is adement nature for, my delta grimer has it

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Uh…I am seeing all this and feeling very sad. But as an amatur in shiny hunting, I have none to spare. The least I can do is give you custom sprites to make you FEEL like you have shinies.

? what r you talking about idk what u r talking about :confused:

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i would like a “custom made sprite” tho

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Do you have a Delta Ralts?

my name is “maximus_cringe”

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Check this link out. I made these.

i do have delta ralts

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Put those in the game files.

This is not about trading lmaooo

mmmmmm i do not know how to do that tho
i am stupid

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Np. So get my images, go to insurgence, go to the graphics folder, then replace them. In the graphics, there will be multiple files. Ask someone the proper directions.

i am already am confused

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