Shiny for shiny trading

ok, pressed enter

oh no, it says you’re not online O_o

tellur right?

Stuck in that screen again…

Yes, with two letters “l”

i think that means I havem’t requested you back, but the problem is that I can’t cuz it says you’re not online ;((

(im 100% caps don’t matter btw, but I tried that too jic)

Ok, i logged in again…

Try now…

nope :((

would u be willing to try creating a new account (that’s worked in the past for me)
by creating a new account I just mean doing the register thing again

:sweat: Not again…

Can you spot anything i’m doing wrong? Because i got to say I haven’t traded that much yet…

sure! also, could u send me a pic of your login screen (the username one)

This one right?


shucks, sometimes the problem would be in how i typed in the user but sadly it’s not that ;((

And here is yours, is it right?

yup that’s it, don’t press enter yet though

ok it still says you’re offline, it’s possible the problem is on my end. I’m guessing you’re on 1.2.5, right?

Why is it so hard to get a shiny absol? Is it just cause I want that?

Yes, so it says in my trainer card:

oof xD

thanks, just wanted to check :3