Shiny for shiny or megastone

ok ok

how to know is hacked or not ?

Any of dayday’s shinies for the tyrunt?

froakie ?

we must wait for the person to slip up or create an accident for us to find out.We can not do anything without evidence

Anything but froakie

okokok thaks for the information

i give you tyrunt and sliggo


5 left

Nothing for froakie. Sorry.

okokok… sorry

If you were to have one of dayday’s shinies and any mega available in the game would you trade tyrunt?

sorry. no i just looking for s.froakie, s.noibat, or s.tyranitar line

i wanna go to my campus now… see you later

sorry for my bad english

2 shinies for tyrunt?

@sathosi21 do you still need that pokerus for your other account?

no thaks lesss… did you want s.nosepass its my present for you
