Secret message

I’ve hidden a secret message somewhere in this website. Find it and you’ll get one of my shinies. Good luck!

Rule: No mod+ allowed to win, sorry guys

Edit: will be posting hints daily as always

website =* right?


anywhere on that right? (that’s what /* means)


How will we figure out if something is the secret message (or is that the challenge?)

It will say “Congratulations for finding the secret message” then give you a way to prove to me that you found the message.

That is literally this post.

yeah i told him he’s stupid when he started bragging to me

yall are bullies :smiley:

put a hint

Okay. I edited one of my previous posts in some thread and put the message in my edit.

Clarification: searching all my posts for this:

will get you nowhere because it isn’t worded exactly that way.

lol i tried that once and figured that out people are stupid

(don’t put quotes quotes imply perfectly worded)

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Is there a hint today?


The message is not in any fanmade content or off topic thread

Lol. 5 hints pls?

The message is in a trading thread, but not in one I started

Like 80% of your posts?

Right, more hints. Uh… The thread involves a shiny