Hi, can anyone please make a list of the eggs that are receivable through the game. This is not about an egglocke, just the gift eggs like delta Noibat, Magby and Togepi. Thanks!!
- Metchi Town - Marill Egg (3000 $)
- Vipik City - Togepi Egg (2500 $)
- Helios City - Wynaut Egg (2500 $)
- Hekate Town - Munchlax Egg (2500 $)
- Ancient Tower (dive in Selene City) - Delta Noibat Egg (Free / Tower ascent complete)
There are others, but not stated in the wiki so search, don’t be lazy…
Um, this is actually to help people? Lmao
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I answered you, right ? Thus, I believe it is an effective answer. Btw, I don’t think a Magby Egg is available in the game. Not at my concern.
I think there is a Magby egg in the Dream Realm, I don’t remember in which city, but I for sure hatched one.
Delta magby is in Holon, not the dream realm. iirc the egg was a delta yamask.
I just started Holon and already had a Magby, weird, I got the Delta Yamask from a trade in the dream realm.
Well, Delta Magby is found in Holon Lake as a regular encounter. For regular Magby, you can find it in Friend Safari, maybe in-game…
just curious, why does the marill egg not hatch into azurill?