Randomized Hardcore Nuzlocke Rad Red

Franz ability could be better

On the other hand, his move pool is ok

I just learned that infestation was the only move smeargle was ever gonna get so i dodged a bullet :slight_smile:

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I obvs beat Dumbass in 2 hits.

I sadly kill my first encounter because i forgot what i was doing. I’m going for the pallet town fishing encounter.


I really ain’t gonna catch this thing in 5 pokeballs.

Uh Franz died. Nuzlocke restart.

Imma skip all the unnessacary dialogue at this point.

Also imma generate random names every time i have to restart for me and then i’ll just call my rival dumass2 and so forth


Pickatrandom.com Choose Cinderace (ayyy)

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I don’t like the ability but it could prove to be useful.

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Pallet town: fishing encounter

Pretty high level i don’t have to grind so much :stuck_out_tongue:

Frick. All my moves were super-effective so i used my pokeballs no more

Route 1 encounter


3 moves cinderace has already

Viridian City fishing encounter

I shoul’ve just run…

R.i.p Durga

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R.i.p fletchinder. Oooo boi, this is gonna be a long series.

I’m staying happy for now, because i just started = no attachment.

My name is Nor, and the pokemon is Obstagoon (these are randomized always)