Rad Red ~~Nuzlocke~~,Locke Over, Beaten by Sabrina

Lmao i accidentaly ran away

Started the Brendan battle.

Turn 1 & 2
Smashed his corphish and treecko with bulba.

Reached Pewter

Caught a Grimer named Ed , which luckily was holding a black sludge, which i obviously gave to bulba

I grinded the team to lvl 15, the level cap

Just started the falkner fight.

It was a close call, but we win while only losing zigzaOOF.

Youll be remembered :pray:

We win Brock, with the cost of losing 2 great soldiers

Ironically Ed was the mvp , taking out half of Brock’s Team (archen and onix) with geo taking itself and litleo taking out vulpix

Have a good afterlife , heroes

A Reminder for everyone: Raid pokemon count as Static Encounters for me.

After an hour of playing I : Battled all the raid pokemon up to Bills House (caught Applin, Ducklett and Elekid)
Caught a male nidoran ,a makuhita, a swablu and bought the route 4 magikarp.
Reached Cerulean without any deaths.
Battled Ashface and Bugsy without any deaths
Grinded my team for Misty:

Im currently in Misty’s gym ,battling the trainers

Pfft nuzlocke emerald kaizo

Nah, ill pass.

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Emerald kaizo is like annoying hard radical red on the other hand is like hard but u have so many options so u wont struggle and u wont get annoyed. So yeah kaizo sucks lmao

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Lmao, the misty battle was VERY HARD. I hardly made it out of there. Nidoking and Hariyama sadly died.

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I gotta find 2 replacements . I already have one , Ape the Flapple which i trained up to use against Misty (forgot to write that before) but I actually didnt use her at all since all of her mons had an ice move.

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This is the team at the moment:


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Good team.

Caught the raid den Hatenna, might actually use it since Hatterenne is pretty good.

Thanks : )

The good thing about minimal grinding mode is that i can sell all the ev wings since they are completely useless.

Caught a meowth for route 5 and named it after my cat which passed away after a fucking asshole hit her with his motorcycle.