Questions about my team

Hydreigon dark/dragon Rhyperior ground/rock Wash Rotom electric/water Blaziken fire/fighting Aegislash ghost/steel Can some one help me with build for this team im not aiming for competetive,cos i dont know how to breed IVs and egg moves, just to play with my friends and if someone can help with the final team member i was thinking sylveon but hyper voice isnt obtainable… yet, i hope

Hydreigon @ Life Orb -Dragon Pulse -Focus Blast/Superpower -Flash Cannon/Tri Attack/Hyper Voice -Taunt/Crunch/Tri Attack/Hyper Voice

Decide the last slot based on your friend’s playstyle. Flash Cannon to hit Fairies on the switch, Tri Attack/Hyper Voice for coverage, Crunch for dual STAB, and Taunt for stallbreaking.

Rhyperior @ Leftovers -Stealth Rock -Stone Edge -Earthquake -Megahorn

Standard Rhyperior set.

Rotom-W @ Leftovers/Choice Specs/Life Orb -Thunderbolt -Hydro Pump -Livewire/Signal Beam/Thunder Wave -Trick/Confuse Ray

Signal Beam and Trick for a Choice Specs set, otherwise use the other moves.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite -Protect -High Jump Kick -Flare Blitz -Bulk Up/Brave Bird

Brave Bird hits some of the Pokemon that resist Blaziken’s STABs, but the recoil adds up. Bulk Up is probably better.

Aegislash @ Leftovers -King’s Shield -Pursuit/Night Slash/Swords Dance -Shadow Sneak/Shadow Claw -Sacred Sword/Swords Dance

Pursuit and Shadow Sneak are better for a defensive set. The alternative moves can be used for a bulky attacker set.

Edit: I didn’t realize that Blazikenite is currently unobtainable. Life Orb/Leftovers works too.

Okay Thanks for the tips :smiley:

Try Aegislash@ Leftovers -King’s shield -Swords dance -Shadow sneak -Sacred sword

As for your team member, I think a psychic type might work, since most of them can learn dazzling gleam which has ok power. The choice is yours to decide on which one though

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What about life orb or a choice item tho? will it work?

Umm if i evolve my doublade do i still learn sacred sword or do i need to keep lvling it up until i learn it?