Pokeswag's Breeding Shop

Also have about three boxes worth of deltas and other random pokemon, just name some and i might have it, including a lot of legendaries i dont want

I dont have a delta ditto at the moment

I dont have a delta ditto right now

you can have mine if this is like: basically your online job

ok but do u want me to offer something to make it fair?

idk what you have but it really doesn’t matter, if you still have the larvesta from postgame see if its bold, if not then anything with a rare candy is fine

i can get u a perfect iv larvesta with the bold nature

delta larvesta* from postgame, sorry. If not then just anything with a rare candy because training is a bitch and a half. Or if you could just give the rare candy with anything then have then train the delta larvesta to level 100 or higher and evolve it and give and ill call it fair, just make sure it keeps levitate

i dont have a delta larvesta sorry

i havent finished the main story yet

Your pokemon are now done86112311131614459151027

Alright ill get ready my name is Trollmaster2111.

I am now ready when you are

Lets just agree on a time we should trade

im actually available now

Well alright man you want me to get ready rn?

ready when you are

Its says user doesnt exist. Did u register in the dexnav yet ?

i did but its probs me not online

now try