Pokérus/Macho Brace

Trading Name: DavidGallade


Request: Hey everyone! I’m just on route 4 of the game and got a Delta Ralts that I plan to EV train and evolve into Gallade, but EV training is really tedious without Pokérus or the Macho Brace. Could someone trade me a Pokémon with either of the two? Thank you!

Further info:

While I think it’s still too early in the game to get into EV training, sure, more power to you.
I’m ready to trade whenever.

Sorry, I fell asleep😅 can you trade now?

I can trade right now.

Great! What’s your user?

It’s TailsFx. I’ll send you the request in a sec.

Thank you so much!

No problem. Have a nice playthrough.

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