Pokepon: Step not working


I tried to work with pokepon for hours but not resetting. I later realized in safari zone that my steps are stuck at 600/600. Could sb help me to fix the bug? Pretty please and thanks

try flying to a random town then trying again

you mean hm fly or pikataxi?

I tried to use pikataxi but does not still rest

have you changed your devices time that tends to mess it up

yes I changed my pc time a number of times to get quick access and I did not know.

hm if it didnt affect it before it woudnt just randomly start now how long have you had this problem

Around 6 hours

when was the last time you played before today


so it wasnt daylight savings either hm do you have more then one save that can use pokepon and see if it works their if not idk

i accidentally deleted my previous save files no I am stuck with this one where the pokepon does not reset. Can a developer help fix my save file?

Thank God. The problem is fixed. I dunno how but it seems to be fine now. :slight_smile: Thank you for the help and attention and patience :smile: