So i need help. I dont know where to get Zygarde in the post game, i have been to dragon ruins but i cant find it. I have beaten tean in holon mountain and got the cut scene where he leaves the region, but know i dont know where to go. I also need to know to to get the Perfection lab open
^^^^ read that
Now i have read it, and i dodnt know you could catch Zygard at that point in time so i just killed it and what does that mean?? Can i not opeen the locked door in the perfection base?? and what about the perfection labratory?
No, that’s later in the postgame.
What part of it??
Well, I actually haven’t gone to it yet, but I believe it’s after the e4 rematch.
Well then what do you need to do for a rematch against E4 because its says they arent ready yet
uh, orion quest, beat holon, get arceus
I have “beat” (i have defeated the prof.) holon and completed orions quest without catching Zygarde and getting Zekrom and Reshiram stones. Then how do you get arceus???
Talk to Orion and follow his story. You get zygard before arceus.
I killed Zygarde
Go to the perfection base, in the black market.
I have cleard it and i found a bug while doing it. Because the mewtwo you are supposed to meet was aparently a suicune due to suicune being a roaming encounter
Yeah, roaming encounters can replace legends.
Yeah i found out :D. It was good i saved before hand and later i found suicune again
EDIT: Now i just need help with the perfection lab because i cant seem to get the password correct
Antilithium is the password. It’s a pattern.
Okay now i just have another problem. The following pokemon is not there and i bugs some of the quartz fulte features as well. I cant use seed flare, Tesseract, Hyperspace hole or any of those where you pokemon behind you switches
Faint all your pokemon intentionally and update to 1.2.3 (Public).
Ya I also killed the zygarde and I got stuck at the point … I thought it was gail ( gall or galle .)that guy’s what do I do