Original Delta Bulbasaur Line Sprites

I was wondering if anyone could post the original Delta Bulbasaur, Delta Ivysaur, and Delta Venasaur sprites for the following animation and party animation? If possible I would also like the shiny sprites for following animation, party animation, and battle animation (front, back, mega for Delta Venasaur). The new sprite looks nice and is well made, but I fell in love with the one with more green leaves on the back. Honestly, A lot of the appeal for me downloading the game was watching Munching Orange pick the Delta Bulbasaur (with the older sprite). Thanks in advance!

Yeah I was able to grab the battle sprites for the standard color from the old wiki, but I still could not find the sprites for the follow animations or the sprite for the party on the new wiki.

Thank you though for the link. I did not know that shinnies were implemented after the new sprite. So I guess I’m just looking for follow sprites in Pokemon Insurgence\Graphics\Characters and the party sprite in Pokemon Insurgence\Graphics\Icons