Opening Bredmons (+Deltas) Gifts and Giveaways!

All done! Hope this is okay for you!

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Unfortunately I don’t have Jolly but I was able to hatch a perfect Adamant! If you’d still prefer Jolly over then I’d be happy to continue hunting for it for you :>

Oh ok im ready rn

No prob! Deino, right?

My tradename is crmsn! I’ll hop on right now :))

Edit: What’s your tradename?

Me too

Eh im so sorry but im currently still shiny hunting from an egg XD

You’re good! Just let me know when you’re ready :)) it should only take like 30 seconds or so

Oh okie :slight_smile:

If i trade u the egg is that fine bcus it has 1 step left lol

Of course! You can trade me anything, don’t worry :> these are all free!

Ohhh ty

Lemme place the heart scale

Sending rn

What’s your tradename so I can send the request back? :>

Edit: Got it! Just sent request :))


Thanks so much :heart:

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Yay! I’m so glad! Happy to help! Let me know if you need anything else <3

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Of course thanks a lot

Btw how do i breed lol

You can find a breeding guide right here on the forums actually! <3