Noob's Ultra Pokemon Shop

Spider, although I do have Jolly Ruin Beldums as well.

What’s the price for the ruin beldum?

1 IV stone.

I have 1

Alright, are you on the Discord or do you want to do the trade on the forums. It’s easier on Discord but it’s doable on forums if you don’t have it.

I have discord

Go on and ping me in the trade chat.

What The name of the trade chat?


If you still can’t find it tell me your Discord name and I’ll ping you.


We should just set it up here.

Tell me when you’re ready to trade, send the request 10 seconds after you send the ready message.

Edit: And tell me your trade name.

Ok I’m ready

Do the same thing again when you’re ready again.

Ok I’m ready again


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