Hi guys my friend (xHolloww) and I have decided to start a shiny hard mode badge quest and I thought that I should upload our progress here. If your unaware a shiny badge quest is where you only use shiny pokemon though out the play though, another think is you must get a shiny before each gym for a total of 8 shinys.
( you can catch more if you need them to boost the team but you must still catch a pokemon after the next gym) Anyway wish us luck our first targets are delta charmander and delta bulbasaur.
A shiny badge quest is where you hunt a shiny after every badge; a shinylocke is a run where you follow nuzlocke rules and only use shinys
Yea not a shinylocke i think it might be bit to hard to do on a hard play though. depending on how it goes I might change it into one but I don’t have any plans on doing that
Hello, how did you know my primary ability is Unaware?
Ok, I get it’s supposed to be a joke, but, uhh what do you mean
Also taking ideas on what to hunt next but it has to be available before the 2nd gym.
If I were a pokemon, my abilities would be Unaware, Competitive, and HA would be Analytic. The first ability is also known as the primary ability.
After a crazy Night another one of my friends decided to join in the race and started to hunt delta squirtle AND HE GOT IT, but so he was resetting to fast he alt f 12ed to quick and reset over it Twitch ( his Twitch Clip I’m sorry about the clip name I didn’t clip it) and an hour later I GOT MY CHARMANDER
After 6 days of hunting it can start my game.ayyyy gg
my abilities would be oblivious truant and HA would be anger point
My Abilities would be Truant, Analytic and (HA) Slow Start ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
AGAIN night just keeps getting better xHolloww got his shiny tonight
3 shinys in a single night between the 3 of us
believe me, masuda is NOT worth it. especially when you dont have pikapad. just sr for it its way better
Why is that? with the speed up and a flame body poke it should be fast?
First off, the fastest way to masuda is not actually getting 5 eggs, then hatching them and then getting 5 more. The way ppl usually masuda in insurg is by saving just before the daycare lady , then obtaining the egg, then flying to vipik city where the poke Hatcher is. You pay him some money then hatch the egg and if it’s not shiny, SR. It is crucial to save before obtaining the egg cuz once you obtain it, it’s already determined whether or not its gonna be shiny. (someone could probably explain this better than me lol)
The reason I say this method isn’t worth it is cuz even with the egg Hatcher it’s incredibly slow and takes a good 40 seconds or so to get one encouter, with bycycle+turbo mode+runnig shoes as opposed to 5 secconds with regular SR. If you want higher odds, go for friend safari. Sorry for the long post lol
OH I see, but the problem is that we what a holon delta so sr is out of the question. so even if it takes some time I think that we will still try. Thanks for telling me tho
This is epic. I did a shinylocke on Pokémon Unbound, and that was extremely painful but also fun. I made a rule where the community voted to bring back a dead mon. The other one dies forever, and the one that got voted gets one more life.