My bug monorun(normal mode)

entering suntouched gym


spoodertang looks so derpy in the overworld, also it learned poison fang and bulldoze

fighint orion, after a lot or rest and 2 potions from orion, i defeated vulpix

i got ohkod

i had to sacrifice something

charmeoeon is op

exokeleton got outsped and ohkod so i think i am going to lose cause shuckle is at 3 hp

omg it used sunny day and i used rest and it got kod by its ablity

rollout outsped synthisis and ko’d deerling

and rollout outpwers black sludge and ko’s ivsaur

punchingroc was clutch, carrying the team

my team at the end

As creeper said, use a delta dunceparce. It’s surprisingly good with skill link

yes but only once i get it

i cant get it yet


but yeah this battle has drasticly increased my love for shuckle

also i checked and basicly all of the fried safari pokes are garbadge

started the nora battle

oh cmon