i want to do a mono-run so you people can vote which poke i should use between heracross and scyther
@Derpysaga I am having another playthrough
oh also pokemon that become bug apon mega are allowed as long as you only use the mega
i want to do a mono-run so you people can vote which poke i should use between heracross and scyther
@Derpysaga I am having another playthrough
oh also pokemon that become bug apon mega are allowed as long as you only use the mega
use ghost,fighiting and normal cant hit it,and you can use giratina
oh sorry, forgot to specify, i went to discord and the type is bug, alr decided
heracross is pog
2 votes for heracross 1 for scyther
are you allowing evos?
also i did a heracross solo run, and the first half of the game is torture without item spam
yes evos allowed
it is not a solo run and i am currently doing a d.larv solo run so i have dealt with more infuriating playthroughs
scyther by far then. scizor is really good lol
oh ok mb
also it is actualy not that bad that it can not evo until 3rd gym cause it will be better as a syther in the forst 2 gyms
so heracross was selected
he will be good when you get the mega evolution i think,also name the heracross hera,i know is a bad name but thats the only name i can think
sorry, change in plan, i forgot about spider gross, i am using d.beldum
Heracross for sure :0
Also use Tail glow user
arachnon is archnid + archon