Multi saves problem

Hi, i played pokemon omicron and now i want to play pokemon insurgence but when i start the game it loads the save file of pokemon omicron (with bugs). How can i solve this ?

Which system you are on, windows or mac?


The save file is located here: C:\Users(your name)\Saved Games\Pokemon Insurgence
If it is not found create it
If it is there, move both the Omicron and Insurgence folders to your desktop, start the game and make a save, there should be a new folder made, then you can move the Omicron folder back, and the save files from the previous Insurgence folder to the new one

I think my problem is that when i create a save file, it goes to C:\Users(my name)\Saved Games but there isn’t any folder, and if i create one folder and put the save file in this folder, the game doesn’t recognize the save file.

Seems like an odd issue with your system storing the save files…
I can only suggest that you make a folder in your desktop and store save files in there for the different games. Once you play the game you want, you change the save file accordingly, but it seems like a hassle to me if not the only option I can give.

Ok, i will do that, thank your help :slight_smile:

No problem, I hope you enjoy playing the game.