
 good movesets for      
D.greninja    ,

Ok, first off: Iā€™m not nowhere near a competent competitive player, but Iā€™ll try my best.

With the powerful prankster ability you can give priority to status moves. Sadly it doesnā€™t learn Leech Seed, but luckily it does learn Will-o-wisp, which also helps the fact he has sub par defences. Flamethrower is a good STAB option (Overheat and Fire Blast are technically better but Iā€™m very unlucky w/ the rng so I gravitate always towards the 100% accuracy). On a similar note, Grass Knot and Energy Ball both works. Last move Iā€™d consider either Toxic since is universally useful, or Dark Pulse or Snarl for more type coverage/utility. You can also make him physical but given your request I went for a special build.

Earthquake, Crunch, these two are basically a must on him, then Extreme Speed and either Brick Break or Stone Edge (for those pesky Ice types). Pretty much equivalent to its non delta form, with slightly worse movepool imho (no Close Combat, a shame - EQ stabbed is good tho).

Edit: I forgot to mention, instead of Crunch if speed is an issue with him, Sucker Punch works too, and Knock Off also is very good.

This big chungus is thicc. Iā€™d use him w/ Thicc Phatt ā‚ā‚›ā‚› but the other two abilities can work as well. Wood Hammer is a strong STAB option for him, then Earthquake deals with Poison type (and Fire). Bulk Up makes sure he hits harder and it compensate the lower defence (I donā€™t believe he needs any buff to the special def). Lastly, you can look for some coverage or utility. Something like Gyro Ball can work since heā€™s slow af (but Steel doesnā€™t really help him that much except vs Fairy, your preference, really). In place of Bulk Up, Belly Drum is a risky play but can do wonders.

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Starting with D. Gren, his Prankster Ability allows you to set priority Spikes, Toxic, and Will-o-wisps, tho he is too frail for that. As an attacker, he greatly benefits from the sun, and can set priority Sunny Day. If you donā€™t already have a Sun setter, run Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Flamethrower and Switcheroo(If you run Focus Sash)/Synthesis/Taunt/Will-o-Wisp/Uturn. The item for this set should be Heat Rock, Leftovers, or Focus Sash. If you have a sun setter, swap Sunny Day for Dank Pulse or one the utility moves above. Outside of sun, replace Solar Beam with Giga Drain or Energy Ball and Sunny Day with U-turn running Choice Specs.

As a physical attacker, he has access to priority Swords Dance and can run Flame Charge, Sucker Punch/Uturn, SD, and Leaf Blade.

D. Lucario, I do not have much experience using, but for a special set, Extreme Speed/Vacuum Wave, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot and Earth Power make for a nice set. Life Orb or Leftovers on this one.

For his physical set, you can run his Mega or run Band/Scarf/LO. Extreme Speed/Sucker Punch, EQ, Sucker Punch/Knock Off, Swords Dance(Donā€™t run if Choice Banded or Scarfed)/Drain Punch/Elemental Punches/Outrage/Zen Headbutt/Stealth Rock.

D. Snorlax is essentially Mega/Gigantamax Snorlax. Itā€™s most powerful set is a counterpart to CurseLax, running Leftovers over Iapapa Berry and Belly Drum, EQ, Leaf Blade, and Drain Punch/Synthesis. Adaptability is viable n this set, tho many people choose Thicc Fat over Adaptability to negate itā€™s Fire and Ice weaknesses.

For a more stally set, you can run Leftovers Synthesis, Toxic, Bulk Up, Wood Hammer/other attacking move. 252 HP, 252 SpD, 4 in Atk or Def, your choice. The idea is to Toxic the opponent and Bulk Up till the physical side is unbreakable. It already is an amazing special wall, but you can drop something for Amnesia, tho is is almost never useful due to Laxā€™s tremendous Special bulk. Once this is set up, Wood Hammer crushes everything, and you can heal off recoil with Leftovers and Synthesis.

Note: these are all competitive movesets, and PP especially for Lax, may not last all the way thru E4. I had to use Ethers on Synthesis every 2-3 battles. That was in Hard Mode tho.


wait a sec
most of the moves are TM moves ,right

Most, excepting Lucario, that is level up and tutor.