Masuda effect?

Alright, i was trying to search up how to breed for a shiny and i found out the medusa effect… which if i breed my pokemon with another traded from a game with a diffrent launguage. i have a chance at getting a shiny. Now is it not ok for me to get another insurgence try and get delta ditto on that… and then trade that? another problem is that delta ditto is like in the middle of the game. which is a problem.

P.S this is my first day on forums and ive talked so much i cannot reply or post any more topics so dont expect an awnser. If i do look here cause i might talk thru edditing here.

@IndianAnimator it is english. i thought i would only have to change the games lang.

@IndianAnimator i can do that does does spanish work?

@IndianAnimator nvm im just gonna do japanese. i will try and follow what i did for my previous run. but idk… prob have to watch videos - ill do japense its trandional medusa effect.

@IndianAnimator Wait does it work for if someone traded me a delta ditto now on the japense version i can still do the medusa effect? with my main

@Boggaspotatoe But what if i start it out as japenese then change back to english will it still be japense. Because i havent started a save file on my newly downloaded insurgence\

@Boggaspotatoe LOL ik just autocorrect tho. i get what yur saying

A problem, i have two diffrent games right but they share the same app data thats saved on my computer…

which lang is ur comp

u havr to change ur comp’s lang to change game lang

umm let me check wiki
Edit: yes it does work

EDIT 2: yep it works like that

its based on the lang of your comp when you start the savefile. for example if your lang is english (australia) and make a new save, that save will be eng aus. if you change your lang to say, japanese, the save will still remain as eng aus

if you start it out as japanese, then start the save, yes. but if you make it japanese, then change to eng THEN start, no its gonna be eng. whatever language it is when it starts
also fyi is “masuda” method no medusa, its got nothing to do with her lol