Mac OS help

Hi, I downloaded the full version for Mac from but when I try to open it it doesn’t work, help please

it’s in a different folder in the Pokemon Insurgence folder

the insurgence folder contains Contents, drive_c and Wineskin, so what should I do now?

check contents, it should be there. if not check drive_c and wineskin

im sorry for being a noob but what do you mean check contents ? Contents contains Frameworks, info.plist, MacOS and Resources

Check MacOS possibly Frameworks

what am I looking for

there should be another game.exe or something or other that has the same logo in the windows executable (exe)

yes, found it, but it says The Unarchiver is not able to open it

question: is the actual folder zipped?

how do I know? does it say .zip ?

in fact, yes

i unzipped (I think) the ‘thing’ I downloaded originally

alright, try this. Move the game.exe (even the contents in the folder) to the front of the POkemon Insurgence folder - you can always command-z to change it back if things go wrong. (DO NOT move the folder, only the contents).


now try opening it. hopefully it will work

double clicking on Pokemon insurgence on desktop opens a small window “wineskin”

anything else happens?

it says install software, set screen options, advanced and quit. nothing else

i recommend pressing " command z" while in the folder to undo what we did. I think I just messed something up, hold on.