Looking for Female Zweilous/Gabite(Completed)

Trading Name: aegisdramon

Offer: Female Croconaw lv. 21

Request:Female Zweilous/Gabite

Further info:Female Croconaw lv. 21 named Cria, IV’s: 22 Hp,28 Atk,26 Def,26 SpAtk,18 SpDef,3 Speed. Nature:Jolly,Ability: Sheer Force. Perfect pokemon for breeding a Feraligatr w/ Sheer Force

if you’re looking for a female gabite or zwelious then you should just look here http://wiki.p-insurgence.com/Friend_Safari Don’t waste your cronconaw

Yes, i know, but i don’t have 6 Medals…

oh ok, let me check to see if I have a female one, sorry about that

I have a female deino but its pretty high levels so you might no want it, Its a deino lvl 43

Have a Good nature or Nice IV’s?

if you want i will be on later in the day tommarow i can get you them then if you still need them my name is Stances on discord or you could just go in discord and might be able to find someone to help you out there

Yes, i want bbut need atleast 3 IV’s whit >20 and a Good nature like Timid/Modest

Its IV’s are 5/24/26/31/26/8 and its a rash nature

Ok,let’s trade ID: aegisdramon


thats my username

You’re online?

Yeah Im waiting

You cand send the request? ID: aegisdramon


Trade Completed

Thanks, take care of my Croconaw please :smiley: