Looking for deltas

Trading Name: lupis2

Offer: any non-legendary pokemon

Request: delta pikachu or wailmer

Further info:

Hello, I can give you both of them if you have the Nocturne Incense item. I only need it for a few minutes to get delta Budew and I can trade it right back if you need it.

ngl I’d be down, but I don’t have the incense. I could probably trade a delta roserade if u want though?

I lied, I just checked and I do have it. I’m ready when you are.

never mind actually

No worries, I’m still down for a trade if you are available

Ok, I’m down. Sorry for the late reply I always forget to check this haha.

Haha me too, when are you free to trade? I am EST timezone

same, I’m free rn if you are.

Sounds good!

My trade name is ChaseTheAce1

Yep ready!

you ready? also my trade name is lupis2. (meet at 10:30)

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Do you still need the Deltas?

nope, but thank u

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