Looking for delta starter

Trading Name: LXBDK

Offer:Max iv modest protean froakie/modest anticipation eevee/nearlymax iv adaptability eevee with iv stone/ adamant speed boost torchic

Request: Delta Bulbasaur/chamander/squirtle

Further info: i chose eevee for my starter and want to have a full dex eventually so i would like to trade one of my pokemon in box 15, they are also holding things like luxury balls and big nuggets

i can breed them all for u if u want

timid d-charmander blod/modest d-bulbasaur bold/modest d-squirtle

also with 0 atk IV available

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cool im ready

hello tell me when you would lke to trade

are those mons ok for u? those have 0 atk IVs and since IV stones are a thing i guess those should work

also my timezone is UTC+1 and my tradename is DrKoolAid777

@DrKoolAid7 Yep there all good, i just want to be able to fill out the dex, plus i can breed for more of them whenever i get a delta ditto, Thank you, btw my timezone is NZ

Dr coolaid why are they all in masterballs lol

yeah its a bit weird but it could still be legit, you can choose what pokeball you want, so it could be legit, i dont want anything thats not legit…

u dont waste any balls when u put them into a ball of choice (Masterball in this case)

@DrKoolAid7 just what i was thinking, though i normally use luxury balls let me know when you want to trade

hello? if you wont trade with me by tomorrow i think i will have to find someone else cause this is taking too long :confused:

I cant think of any time we could trade cuz our timezones r too different. Every time when u write im sleeping or in school

same problem here I have tomorrow off so ill see if we can do it then

@LXBDK im on now. we can trade whenever ur available

im sorry, guess our timezones are too far apart, ill have too look for someone else, thanks anyway Bye

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