Looking for Delta Larvestra

Trading Name: Jerk

Offer: Anything, Just started a fresh file after not playing for some years

Request: Delta Larvestra, could be a breeding reject?

Further info:

I have a fresh nearly perfect Delta Larvesta at lvl 1 if you can get me a Delta Aipom

My Trading name is the same as my username on here. Lemme know if your interested

Delta Aipom is in suntouched city talk to the bald dude on the ground floor and have him go to the garden. Youll need to beat the gym leader to get honey on the next route via the lapras pack

Ill just give you the Larvesta. I got everything i want and you can trade me anything.

My trade name is AshClaw5456

Just lemme know when a good time to trade is ill keep an eye on this post

Hey thanks!! I’m in Taiwan, so if you’re in America your mornings or nights would be easiest. I’ll go see if I can grab that delta aipom quick.

Got the delta aipom if you still want it!
I’ll be available for the next couple hours before I go to bed

Are you available any time soon?

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