Looking for delta drifloon/drifblim for dex

Trading Name: hurdurdurd

Offer: Any Non-Delta (not willing to give: Giratina, Shadow Mewtwo). Can provide pokemon with max IVs and/or hidden ability as well if desired

Request: Delta Drifloon/Drifblim OR Delta Wooper/Quagsire

Further info: I encountered the drifloon in my save randomly while doing some other stuff, it exploded and I didn’t think much of it. Fast forward a bit, I’m trying to complete the Pokedex and realized that I can’t get this pokemon anymore.

As for Wooper/Quagsire, I just don’t really want to get up early/sleep in late one day just to catch a pokemon.

If you’re willing to provide one of the 2, or both, I’m available anytime past 3:30 P:M on weekdays. Just include the requested date and time in your reply.

I can you trade a scyther but please trade back.i will check back in an hour.

Sorry for replying late.

I can definitely provide a Scyther, do you want it to be holding a metal coat so it evolves (you asked to trade back so I assume that’s why you want a Scyther specifically)

Tell me when you’re available for a trade. I’m free basically the rest of today.

I mean a delta scyther.

You are the first person I can trade with, I would like to use delta scizor.

I’m a little confused now because you said you wanted to trade back afterwards.
Either way I’m fine if it’s permanent or temporary, as long as you allow me a minute to breed the pokemon you to get my own before trading back if it’s temporary.
I’m free today starting from 5:30 - 6:00 onwards. If you can’t trade today tomorrow I’m available starting from 12:00 onwards

Ok I can trade right now.

Can we trade in the evening since I’m literally about to go to work right now.
5:30 P:M EST

Delta scyther holding never melt ice for your delta drifloon/wooper, permanent trade.

Do the above terms sound good?


Its noon.

I will come back in one hour.

I’m at work right now. I’ll be back in the evening so I can’t trade right now

Sorry for the inconvenience

ok sorry.

I have the scyther prepared

Delta Scyther; Adamant Nature; 31 IVs across the board; EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Hp, 4 SpDef

Let me know your trade name

I will check back in 1 hour

Sorry for replying late my name is onyxreborn.

Ready to trade?


What is your username


Thank you very much