Looking for a Shiny Beldum line and Shiny Jirachi

Trading Name: Soranow

Offer: Shiny Seedot, Shiny Onix, Shiny Rayquaza (Willing to trade two shinies for one)

Request: Any shiny of the Beldum line, Shiny Jirachi

Further info:

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Welcome to the formus.

Are you only looking for the normal Beldum line or also the Delta ones?

I’m just looking for the normal ones!

I will message you tomorrow

Much appreciated! What do you want in return and when are you available for trade?

I can trade you a Beldum for your Seedot.

I´m available to trade from now on, send me a message when you are ready.

My trading name is the same as my user name

Sorry for the late reply. Are you available?

yes i am, can you trade now?

Yup, hold on.

Thank you very much! Have a nice day/good night :smiley:

Thanks, same to you :slightly_smiling_face:


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